Week 4
(I missed Monday & Tuesday due to Jewish Holiday)
On Thursday, we had Audio with Nick. We were talking about microphones, and which ones specifically we would use for our 30 second narratives.
We started off by going round as a class, discussing which foley sound effects we were going to be using in our films.
For me, my short film is going to be quite basic in terms of audio, as there's only 2 characters in one scene setting, and there's minimal dialogue.
I decided that I'm gonna throw in a bong hit sound effect, to add some depth to the film in post-production. This will be achieved by someone sparking a lighter and taking a bong hit, as I record it through my condenser mic which will be positioned about 6 inches away from the items. I'll record the actual sounds a few times, and cut and sync them up in Audacity afterwards, so that the sound effect timings work well with what's on screen.
In that lesson, I learned about a few more foley techniques, and got some inspiration from other students for what I'm gonna do in my film.
On Friday morning, we had John again. Most of us had our logos designed at this point in time, so we spent that lesson working on implementing them on our websites.
I spent most of the first hour and a half checking my website for inconsistencies, and making sure that all of the aspects I'd put in were functional. All of the links go to the right places and all of the photos are properly uploaded to the database.
After the break, I spent time drawing up wireframes for potential new pages/subpages for my website. I'd already designed a simple but effective logo, which I implemented on the website.
At the end of that lesson, I was very happy with my website design.
In the afternoon, we had another lesson with Sonia. During that lesson, we mostly spent time doing independent work, after we'd had a sit down discussion where we analysed the politically based impact of films, and how ideology within films is very important.
I used that to help me with my research and also for inspiration for my 30 second narrative.