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Reflective Journal


We started the "post production" phase of the music video immediately after we'd finished filming all of the necessary video content.

We opened up Final Cut Projects and set up new libraries, I set mine up with a new folder on my hard drive which contained all of the content that I would be editing with.

It is quite hard for me to describe my editing process because I tend to zone out and just focus on getting the video looking how I want it to without paying too much attention to the individual elements of what I'm doing.

Then, I added in and synced all of the footage of the band members performing in time with the song. It took a LOT of cutting/splitting and speed adjustment to fit all the clips in because the band were in and out of time constantly in some of the live video clips because they weren't playing along with the song.

Once I'd put all of the clips into a structure that was in time, I started to cut up clips based on the shotlist/storyboard we'd prepared beforehand. I organised, cut and moved all of the clips to fit a basic backbone for the video.

After that, I went onto the Sea Shepherd Youtube channel that I was given permission to use, and watched about 10-15 of their videos and ended up downloading about 6 or 7 of the videos. I imported these into final cut, scrubbed through them and found clips here and there which I then put into the timeline with the clips of the band. I overlaid and superimposed footage of sea shepherd with the band, using various blending, opacity and chroma keying effects. The shots of JJ and Jeannie with the black background and harsh lighting worked especially well and looked very nice indeed.

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