30 Second Narrative - Post-Production Reflective Journal
I have finished my 30 second narrative. Finally, it's over!!!
To be completely honest, I haven't been keeping up to date with my reflective journal for a few weeks because I missed a few days of college due to illness and had to catch up on assignments, however, I have finished everything to do with my 30 second narrative except for the reflective journal.
For the pre production, see earlier posts.
For the shoot day click here
So I've finished my 30 Second Narrative! It's up on my YouTube channel and also the front page of this website.
For post production there was a fair amount of paperwork involved, which you can see from the link.
I was generally quite happy with my short film and the overall production. I learned a lot about working with others, and learned some new features in final cut pro x.
I also learned that some people can't be trusted, which upset me. However, the whole thing has been a learning process, I'm happy with the finished product and although things didn't go as planned, overall the process was successful and I really like my video.
I will be using the experiences and knowledge from having done this project to further benefit me for my upcoming music video project.